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Daily Healthy Habits

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:37 am
by RegularJackass
As usual, I'll add more if I find more.

Listen to your body and give it what it needs. If you have a craving for a whole food, eat it. If you want to work out, do. And so on.

Wim Hof method
The Wim Hof method basically amounts to taking a 15 minute jog in the morning OR doing deep breathing exercises in the morning (4 sets of 30 deep breaths; lay on your back, intake as much air as you can, let it out naturally, hold your breath for as long as possible after each set), then taking two or three 2-minute-long ice cold showers per day. Benefits include improved immune system performance, better endurance in workouts, and just overall feeling better. It can also lead to a collapsed lung due to the nature of the deep breathing exercises. If you can help it, jog and don't do the deep breathing.

Dinacharya - for more explanations see
This is a daily routine of practices Ayurveda recommends. From start to finish, a basic routine looks like this:
Wake up before the sun rises unless you are ill, an elder, or below 18
Rinse the face with clean water and rinse out the mouth
Do oil pulling
Brush teeth
Drink a glass of warm lemon water
Do skin brushing
Do abhyanga; self-massage with medicated oil. Go from the top down and use long strokes on arms and legs, and circles on joints. Clockwise circles on abdomen. Be sure to massage the ears with thumb and forefinger, also the scalp and the soles of the feet.
Do Surya Namaskar and/or meditate
Bathe, then put on clean clothes, and eat a light meal
Do Chandra Namaskar
Do 10 minutes of alternate nostril breathing; to do this, hold one side of your nose closed as you breathe in, then hold the other side of your nose closed as you breathe out, then breathe in again, and then switch. Repeat this for the whole ten minutes
Do a quick massage of the ears with thumb and forefinger, the scalp, and the soles of the feet

Exercise for those who are able will always and forever be recommended by every doctor. No amount of medicine will replace the health benefits of daily exercise!

Use good sleep hygiene. The room should be pitch black, or if you are lucky enough to live out in the country, there shouldn't be any artificial light there. Keep no electronics in the room. Keep it clean, and change the sheets and pillowcases every week. is a good way of keeping track of health progress and remembering self-care habits you'd otherwise forget

Feng Shui is in my opinion very underrated. Lillian Too writes the best Feng Shui books. People underestimate them because to actually follow her advice thoroughly is not easy. Pick one up and try stuff out. Here is her website: just a heads up, the site is not at all the same as her books. Quick Feng Shui advice for health: grow something green in the Eastern corner or area of each room you can (not the bedroom though). Quick Feng Shui advice in general: clean everything. A clean-as-you-go approach is in general a healthy approach.

Surya Namaskar ... salutation
Note: Do not do the upward bend that stretches the ab muscles or the bending-behind-you stuff unless guided by a professional, or you could permanently hurt your back.
Chandra Namaskar