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For cramps

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 4:19 pm
by RegularJackass
Often, none of these options are effective enough as a replacement for ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Ibuprofen = generic advil, naproxen sodium = generic aleve. Try one kind of those painkillers on top of these natural options if you need more relief. Combining them is not very effective; just experiment to see which works better for you.
Marijuana works for some people, but makes other people feel worse. Specifically kinds of marijuana with a high CBD content are what people use, such as the Harlequin strain. Failing that, get an indica and not a sativa. Marijuana is only for those people who would otherwise be getting on opiates since it is a heavy duty painkiller and has plenty of unpleasant side effects. Yep, even getting stoned has rules. Of course, people under 21, stay the hell away from weed.
I don't know if it's just my own experience but birth control pills destroyed me. While on them everything seemed okay (except the constant depression and personality changes) but when I stopped them, it was hell. They permanently altered my cycles so that instead of having no cramps, I had unendurable ones. Also mood swings, anxiety, and depression, all the time. So if you're thinking about getting on them, my recommendation is to check out the /r/birthcontrol section on Reddit, speak to people on there, talk to your doctor. But do not get on them if you are under 18 because that gives you a greater chance of breast cancer later in life.

For cramps made better by application of heat:
If there is no chance you are pregnant, drink 2 cups of the following tea each day for the week prior to your period, and then drink it as needed during.
3 tbsp grated, peeled fresh ginger in 5 cups of water with 2 tbsp brown sugar. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Sip on that throughout the day.
Alternate drinking this with fresh lemon or lime juice diluted 1:1 in water or orange juice.
Four hot water bottles are better than one. Gallon-sized plastic jugs with screw-top lids are the best and can be filled from the bathtub tap if the water is hot enough. Don't fill them with water too hot or in theory they could explode. Screw on the lids, wipe off the water using a towel, and prop up the person who needs them with pillows behind their back so they are reclining. Place one beneath either arm, one on the lap for them to hold, and one under the feet. Replace the bottles every two to three hours or so with more hot water, being sure to dry off the bottles. This should help with severe cases.

For cramps made better by application of cold:
If there is no chance you are pregnant, drink 2 cups of the following tea each day for the week prior to your period, and then drink it as needed during.
Iced chamomile tea, and either pineapple or papaya juice
Orange juice mixed with fresh-squeezed lemon juice

For both
Drink 1 glass of skim organic milk or nondairy milk (with calcium added) each day during the week before your period. EVEN IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, THIS MIGHT SHOCK YOU WITH HOW EFFECTIVE IT IS
Swap out regular pads or tampons for organic unbleached cotton pads. The difference may surprise you.
Acupressure routine here. "Cun" means the distance between your thumb's tip to its first joint. Do each step in order by gently yet firmly pressing down on each point with your thumb until there is a sensation of "hurts so good," but not actual pain or something that might cause bruising. Hold for two minutes, then proceed to the next step. If there are two points on either side of the body which are both called the same name, then hold them both at once. If there is no chance you might be pregnant, then you should do this routine once a day for a week before your period starts, and then as needed up to once a day while it is happening, and it should make it much more tolerable.
1. CV 9 - 1 cun above the bellybutton
2. ST 24 - 2 cun to either side of the bellybutton
3. CV 6 - 1.5 cun below the bellybutton

If you tend to feel shaky and weak during your period, bleed a lot, and also look pale
Try 10 mL of this stuff called Floradix. Get the Floradix with the pink label; it's gluten free. You can get it on Amazon. Take it once a day during your period and once every couple of days afterwards for a week. Alternatively, drink 1 tbsp organic blackstrap molasses in 1/2 cup water each day you're on your period and each day for a week afterward.