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Stuff about Litha

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:15 am
by RegularJackass
Litha is just another name for the Summer Solstice. It is the celebration of summer. This year, 2019, it falls on June 21. Yeah, today. I definitely put this one off. Anyway, some things that are often done on this day include having a bonfire, BBQing stuff, getting handfasted, visiting water features, having a get-together, staying up all night, and picking herbs to preserve. Beltaine has a reputation for being the raunchiest night of the year - that is wrong, this one is. Some might consider Halloween to be the most "magical" holiday of the year, but Litha is the best time of year for healing, protection and blessing magic. Arguably it might be even better for all magic, especially for things that might be considered impossible. It is also tradition to bless animals on Litha and give them a bit of extra TLC. Other fun activities might include having a battle with water guns, blowing bubbles, picnicking on the beach, decorating deciduous trees a bit like a reverse Yule, jumping over a ritual bonfire for purification, and chilling in a hammock. For herbalists, this is a good time of year to make tinctures, herbal vinegars, infused oils, pestos, dried herbs, and so on. Don't forget to leave out food for the fairies, and as always, the most important thing is to have fun!

Foods of Litha: Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the first fruits of the season, summer squash, herbal teas, lemons, citrus, cherries, honey, mead, herb-flavored foods and breads, BBQ stuff. In China people eat cold noodles, plums, and cherries on the Summer Solstice, and drink green tea.
Herbs of Litha: Ivy, all fresh herbs and greenery, oak, lemon, Sun herbs, all herbs of Cancer (astrological sign)
Crystals of Litha: All green crystals, emerald
Incense of Litha: Rose, pine, frankincense, myrrh, lavender, sage
Symbols of Litha: Feathers, the sun, fire, oak trees, sun wheels

Litha is a good time to cast spells for a healthy Earth.

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