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Surprisingly wholesome things Witches tend to like

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 4:47 am
by RegularJackass
This list comes from my personal experiences interacting with other Witches and of course from my own, so I'm not just making this up
-Pets in general
-Petting cats
-Being out in nature
-Hosting parties for their children
-Jesus Christ (seriously! just not the whole Christian religion thing)
-Taking a non-helicopter-parent approach to parenting
-Actually having friends and a supportive community... which is rare for us...
-Being as eco friendly as humanly possible
-Being ride or die with friends and loved ones
-Being nice
-Getting involved in charity work, supporting charities, community service

But if you find that hard to believe check out these blogs:


No, I do not yet know of any plain Witchcraft blogs. I wish. Yes, I am basing the list on experiences interacting with non-Wiccan Witches as well as with Wiccans.