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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:31 am
by RegularJackass
2/7/20 I am starting to move all the resources on this forum over to another website, possibly linked to the website. This forum is going to be shut down within the next year or so unless I get a massive influx of visitors asking me to keep the site open, my friends convince me to keep it up, or I get some assistance paying for server fees. This thing costs about $40 a year to run. You can donate here: You can contact me by messaging me on Twitter. My profile is @Headless131. I am leaving up everything in the interest of free access of information, however, no new membership applications will be accepted until further notice.

Hey, welcome! This is the home of weird. If you are tired of the constant censorship and political correctness of the internet these days, tired of all the copypasta, and tired of pretending to be someone you're not, this is the place for you. I'm RegularJackass. My full introduction is here. ... &t=87#p127 This forum is intended to be a place where people of all stripes can communicate in peace and help each other create a better world. This is also intended to be a place where Witches, Pagans, people of non-mainstream religions, and magic workers of all kinds can communicate, be heard, and not be immediately discriminated against. I am hoping it becomes a very useful information hub. It is not my intention to terrify anyone with the word Witchcraft: know that "Witch" is a word that was twisted from its original meaning. To a Witch, the word doesn't mean "evildoer" or "devil worshipper," or even "female old person with a bad personality," it just means "magic worker using the magical system of Witchcraft." And real magic is more akin to Reiki or a marriage ceremony than that Harry Potter stuff.

This forum was also made because I wanted to link up with other people who are genuinely trying to make the world a better place. So if you're one of those people, this is confirmation that you're not alone.

If you live in a location where Witchcraft is punishable by death, leave this site immediately and clear your browser history. Stay safe.

Rules of this website:
1. If you join the site, you must provide an introduction with 2 things: A. You must post a brief introduction about yourself (no identifying information is necessary), and B. you must a funny picture, a link to a funny Youtube video or music you like, or a quote you like. Be sure you post this in Introductions, preferably as a reply in Introductions Thread 1. If you do not provide this, your account will be deactivated after 1 day. Reason: Current way of filtering out spammers and trolls is inadequate. Apologies for any hurt feelings.
2. You can say whatever you want but don't be a total jerk. If you cross the line there won't be a second chance and you will be permanently banned. In the interest of freedom of speech there is a lot of leniency here. I really do mean a LOT of leniency. I hope to see arguments and bitter disagreements on here. But there is a hard limit to how much of that I will encourage and we shall see exactly what that limit is, in time.
3. Breaking one of these rules is crossing the line. However, when someone says something that can be read two or more ways and has two or more meanings, and one of them may break one of these rules, someone should ask for clarification. If what they meant doesn't break a rule, they're not banned.
4. This isn't a Satanist website. Despite many misconceptions, the two religions are not the same thing. Get it right! (yes, Satanists are welcome to join BECAUSE discrimination is bad no matter the religion, also no joke they tend to be nice people)
5. No nudity, and certainly no porn. Nothing NSFW.
6. People under the age of 18 but over the age of 13 are allowed here. Therefore, keep that in mind. IF YOU CONDONE DUMB BEHAVIOR TO A BEGINNER, POST IMAGES THAT "CAN'T BE UNSEEN," OR OTHERWISE PUT CLUELESS PEOPLE AT RISK OF SERIOUS HARM/ACTUALLY HARM THEM DIRECTLY DUE TO YOUR POST, THAT IS AN INSTANT BAN. People under age 13.... try the local library. I'm not expecting you to limit yourself to kindergarten-level posts here, just asking you to please refrain from going off the rails. You know what I mean.
7. No doxxing yourself unless you are over 18. Absolutely no doxxing anyone else. People who doxx themselves if they are under 18 will be permanently banned. Please don't do that.
8. Almost everyone of every religion is welcome, but... if you make it abundantly clear that you are a terrible person, you'll be banned. And quickly.
9. There is a zero tolerance policy for spam. Post it and you are b&.
10. No conversion attempts are allowed here whatsoever. Feel free to tell people about what you do in your religion but don't try to rope them in. Exception: you may attempt to convert people to the religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Because I want to watch that :lol:
11. Only post original content; no copy-pasting, especially from Scott Cunningham. You can post pictures of memes and uncopyrighted/public domain pictures, and links to stuff that's not yours, but don't push it.
12. There is no discrimination on the basis of religion, race, gender, gender identity, and so on here, so don't bring it in here. Discrimination on the basis of a person's actions, choices, personality, and ethics is fine. I nurture a specific and profound hatred for racists and bigots, so if you feel that you are superior to other people because of something you haven't actually done, just get the fuck out before I kick you out.
13. Disagreement in opinion is absolutely welcome.
14. There are no trigger warnings, there is no censorship on profanity, there is no political correctness (within reason; the n word is not okay), there is no consideration for "the majority is always right." An individual person's opinion is a valuable thing, especially in the face of opposition.
15. Promoting the sale of magic, psychic work, energy healing, or any of that kind of stuff is strictly prohibited because of the amount of fake practitioners and quacks. You may promote yourself or find someone who does that in your local area via word of mouth and local advertising, but not here. Promoting the sale of items that may or may not have been charged with magic is more ambiguous and is allowed.
16. Posts that break any one of these rules may be left up as an example to others despite the poster being banned. Don't be that guy.
17. Breaking one of these rules, even in ignorance, will get you banned. Therefore, if you aren't sure if your post follows the rules, re-read them.
18. Anything that even hints at condoning black magic will get you banned. What is black magic? Basically, if it would be considered a crime in the United States if you were doing it in a mundane way instead of with magic, then it's black magic. This includes all magic that harms the innocent, all magic that interferes with an innocent person's free will, and ALL MANIPULATIVE LOVE SPELLS. These are not okay and I will not allow them on this website. Harmful magic that is still considered Divine Magic is allowed. Here is one example:

Please do try to post quality stuff that is worth referring back to as a reference. This promotes the posting of more like it.
Shitposting is encouraged. In fact, feel free to sign up just to shitpost. See subforum: ... ac5d48bf22
It is not recommended that you post your personal information here. I don't want it or need it; neither does phpBB. You should also know that I can see what email you sign up with and so can everyone else who is a member: it is recommended that you use an email that is not personally identifiable.

Important information
In order to post in this forum, you have to sign up with a username and password, and be approved by an admin. Then you can post an introduction in order to avoid being banned. This is to filter out spammers, etc. but don't worry, you'll probably be approved within 24 hours.
The Discord server is right here. You have to be approved in order to post anywhere but in "introductions." If you aren't familiar with Discord, it's a free instant chat website that doesn't require personal information to sign up.
If you have any questions about Wicca, you can PM me on Discord anytime; I'll probably get back to you within like a day
This is not a very active forum (yet). It excels in one area, and that is information dumps. This is an excellent place to dump truckloads of memes, information graphics, recipes, links, and whatever else. The more you dump, the more other people will dump, thus creating one big dump. My, that sounds appealing doesn't it.

Well, that about covers it. Try not to kill one another.

***Please be aware that for some reason there is a glitch - when posting, you only have about two minutes to draft and post whatever you want to post or the system logs you out. I am trying to fix this. You are however allowed to edit and add to each post as much as you like.

While you're here, please take a look at the resources in the Philanthropy section, especially the list of Go Green stuff I posted ... p?f=27&t=5 . I really hope you find something useful or helpful in there! You may also wish to take a look at my pet project,

If you want to learn the specifics of what Witchcraft is and is not, and what Wicca is, check out the misconceptions here, ... ?f=16&t=65 check out the resources for beginners here ... p?f=16&t=4 and/or ask whatever questions you want in General Discussion or New to Witchcraft.

If you want to learn what Satanism is, here is a link to one branch of it:

Constitutional rights are valued here: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.
Unique features of this forum include:
-I created this forum because all the other Witchcraft forums I visited were batshit insane, new age faff, overly-censoring, full of jerks and/or cliquey with insufficient original content to justify such behavior. And quite lacking in useful information. In particular every last one of them was not very friendly to "outsiders." The irony. I work hard to make sure that none of that infects this forum! If you wonder why I got angry enough to create my own forum to combat the problem, then google 'em.
-Artist? Artisan? Musician? You can advertise your wares here, for free
-Your religion really does not matter. Follow the rules and you're welcome here.
-The rules are actually quite lenient as far as internet forums are concerned. Read them carefully and compare with other forums.
-Philanthropy section is packed with potentially useful stuff. Check it out. ... m.php?f=18
-Yes, there are sandwich recipes. I chose this website name because miraculously, it wasn't taken, and also I like sandwiches. Here they are: ... hp?f=2&t=2

If you refer back to this website's descriptions, or any of the stuff I've made, such as ^^^MacRev or the Go Green list, routinely enough for it to be considered "as useful as a book," AND IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT AND WANT TO COMPENSATE ME FOR THIS WORK then you can tip me however much you want at Buy Me A Coffee.

I also ask that if you use the online resources posted here enough to have them be considered "books" in your life, that you find a way to give the authors of those websites some compensation as well.

If you are looking for a solution to all your problems, this is the answer: ... t4&index=6