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Stuff about Ostara

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:30 am
by RegularJackass
Ostara is also called Festival of the Trees, the first day of spring, the spring equinox, and Lady Day. It is the celebration of spring. This year, it lands on 3/20/19, which is also a full moon. Like Yule, Ostara's festivities are familiar to most people because it is another Pagan celebration that the Christian church took themes and practices from. Spring cleaning before the holiday is always a good idea. Egg hunts, dyeing eggs, giving children baskets of gifts, exploring the great outdoors, picking baskets of flowers, cultivating herb gardens, baking sweet breads, having garden parties, and hosting a family gathering brunch are all traditional activities. Other activities include planting seeds, painting eggs, giving gifts of candy and flowers to people, adding things to a garden like birdbaths and so on, arts and crafts activities with children such as sidewalk chalk and outdoor games, wearing brand new clothes, stargazing, and visiting natural water features. Traditionally this festival is celebrated starting at dawn. Motifs include bunnies, pastel eggs, rainbows, flowers, pastel ribbons, butterflies, dragons, stars, waterfalls, and the moon. I have heard that Ostara is the best time for making and consecrating a new wand, new staff, or Witch's broom, but believe that this is different from Witch to Witch.
Herbs of Ostara: Grass, rose, white lily, almonds, palm, lily of the valley, violet, vanilla, birch, willow, marshmallow, spring flowers and blooming trees in general, apple blossom, dogwood, strawberry, daffodil, iris, lilac
Incenses of Ostara: Sage, jasmine, musk, rose
Crystals of Ostara: Bloodstone, amethyst, aquamarine, clear quartz, rose quartz, agate, lapis lazuli, calcite, citrine
Colors of Ostara: Pastels, light green
Foods of Ostara: Fresh-baked breads, wine, salt, raisins, rice, hot cross buns, honey, milk, naturally dyed eggs - eat them, don't waste them - , nuts, seeds, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, salads, the first fruits and vegetables of the season, ham, marshmallows, and lots and lots of chocolate
Ostara is a good time to cast spells for good luck, happiness, renewal, blessings, and protection of children.

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